NSR Pro Guide

NSR Pro Guide

Congratulations! You have decided to set up your NoSongRequests.com Pro account – you are just a few minutes (and a few clicks) away from giving your audience a new and fun way to request songs, shoutouts, book you, give you tips, and much more. Let’s get started!

Personalizing Your DJ Page

Customize Page

Now that you have signed up you will want to personalize your DJ page. This is your unique page that you can share with your audience, fans, and friends. The first thing you will need to do is log in and view your settings. Here is how you login: How to Login and View your Settings

Once you are in, here are the settings you can update to create your awesome DJ page:

Update Your Profile Picture

Step-by-Step Instructions:

Tip: Select a fun pic that reflects your personality

Update Your Profile Background

Step-by-Step Instructions:

Tip: Make sure you use a royalty-free picture, don’t just copy an image you found on Google, or you might get a letter from a lawyer asking for money. Here is a link to royalty-free images you might like: https://pixabay.com/images/search/dj/

Add a Short Bio

Step-by-Step Instructions:

Tip: This is part of your brand so have fun with it. Let your audience know what services you offer, fun facts about you, awards you have received, and favorite new artists. You can be as creative as you like, or just keep it simple with a short tagline.

Update Your Song Request Disclaimer

Step-by-Step Instructions:

Tip: Getting song requests is a great way to connect with your audience (and get tips), but you probably are not going to be able (or want to) play every request. To help set expectations, we allow you to create your own customized disclaimer. This will be shown below the Send Request button that people will see when they send you a song request.

Add Your Emojis

Step-by-Step Instructions:

Tip: Popular DJ emojis include: 🎤🎛🎚🎵🔥🎙🎧💿✨🤸💃 🎶

Add Your Social Media Links

Step-by-Step Instructions:

Tip: Don’t just add your social media links to your DJ page, add your DJ page link to your social media posts and profile.

Add Your Upcoming Events

Step-by-Step Instructions:

Tip: Include events that are open to the public. Don’t include private events.

Your DJ page should be looking great. If you need a little inspiration, here are some examples of pages for some of our most successful DJs:

DJ OrphnAnnie:

DJ FrankEC:

DJ Zammy Z:

DJ Scuba Steve:

DJ 316:

Getting Ready to Get Paid

Now that you have an awesome DJ Page, it’s time to decide how to configure your settings so that you can get tips, booking inquiries, and more. Here are the settings you will want to take a look at:

Add Your Payment Types

Step-by-Step Instructions:

Tip: You can add your accounts for Cash App, Venmo, Zelle, Paypal and

M-Pesa to NoSongRequests.com. The more payment types you accept the easier it will be for the audience to tip you. Once you enter your payment types, we recommend that you go to your DJ page, click the “Tip Me” button and make a minimal test tip to confirm that everything is working as it should.

Configure Your Tip Settings

Step-by-Step Instructions:

Tip: You can decide if you want to show your “tip me” button, what minimum tip you would like to suggest, and if you would like to suggest tip amounts for song or shoutout requests. You can change these settings depending on the type of event you are playing. You can even change these settings during a show.

Configure Your Song Request Settings

Step-by-Step Instructions:

Tip: You can change your song request settings as much as you like, even during a show.

Configure Your Shoutout Settings

Step-by-Step Instructions:

Tip: You can change how much you would like to charge for a shoutout at any time and turn this option on an off depending on the type of event you are playing.

Configure Your Booking Settings

Step-by-Step Instructions:

Tip: Make sure to include your preferred city and turn on the “book me” button if you would like to receive booking inquiries.

Printing your QR Code and Sharing Your DJ Page

Your DJ page is awesome and you are all set up, now it's time to get ready for your event.

To make a song request or give you a tip, folks need to be able to find your DJ page. We make this easy by providing you with your own QR code for folks to scan and be taken to your page. Here are step-by-step instructions that walk you through how to print your QR code:

Printing Your QR Code:

Tip: Once you select your options the system will create a custom .pdf file that you can download and print. You can also import that file into your slide show if you are bringing a monitor or tablet to your event. The QR code is yours to use in any creative way you can think of. The big goal is to make your QR code easy for the audience to find and use. Don’t be shy, tell the audience how to find and use your QR code. Here are some ideas to get you thinking:

- Tell the audience the next song played will be the most liked song request

- Give Shout Outs to folks that make good song requests

- Ask the Audience if they want to hear the most-liked song

If you can, get the audience to use the QR code and let you know what they want, they will be happy, and happy folks tend to tip!

You can also share your DJ page without using your QR code. Here’s how:

Share Your DJ Page:

Tip: You can share your DJ page before an event and let folks submit song requests in advance, just make sure you add your upcoming event to your DJ page first.

Drinking from the Fire Hose – Managing your Alert Settings

Now that you are set up and folks are using your QR Code you are going to want to decide how and when you want to be alerted about new requests. The best way to view and manage your song request is via your DJ Page. If that doesn’t work for you or if you want to get song requests another way, you can also have song requests sent to you via email or text. To configure this feature, go to your Alert Settings and select if you want to receive notifications of song requests via Email, Text or Both. Here are step-by-step instructions that walk you through how to configure your alert settings:

Configure your Alert Settings:

Tip: You can choose intervals ranging from “Immediately” to “Weekly”. We recommend setting a frequency of 5 or 15 minutes. If you don’t want to get emails or text alerts, select the last option “Don’t Send Alerts” from the pull-down menu.

Going Live – Managing Song and Shoutout Requests

So you have your NoSongRequests.com account configured, you have your QR Code everywhere in the club from the bar to the restrooms, the energy is good, the drinks are flowing and the song requests are coming in.

The first thing you will want to do is to select the event or time frame you want to see song requests for. If you set up events your event will be on the pull-down menu, if you did not set up events you can just select songs “this week” to see songs requested this week. Once you have selected the event or date you want to view, you will now want to decide how you would like to sort your song requests. Here are your options with step-by-step instructions:

Sort Song Requests:

Filter Song Requests:

Mark Songs as Played:

Add a Comment to a Requested Song:

Export Requested Songs to DJ Software:

You can also see and manage your Shoutout Requests. Here are your options:

See Shoutout Requests:

Send a Message Before a Shoutout:

Mark a Shoutout as Completed:

So now you can review and manage your requests – what now? Here are some pointers:

Remember that you don’t have to play song requests immediately – don’t change your mind about that transition you’re about to do. It’s fine to take your time and weave requests in where they make the most sense.

Don’t feel compelled to play all requests – it’s OK if you don’t play all the requests you receive, it’s your set and your show.

When it comes to “iffy” requests, hedge your bets – What if you have to play something you think will bomb, because the venue owner, bride, etc. has asked for it? In these circumstances, you could consider turning the mic on and name-checking the person who asked for it before you play it. This makes it clear it wasn’t your idea, and may make others think twice before requesting songs that may get their names read out shortly before the dancefloor empties…

OK, you are ready! Have fun and let us know what works for you. If you have any fun ideas you would like us to add, reach out to us at: [email protected]